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Easier Retopology with Draw Xray

Easier Retopology with Draw Xray

One thing that could be improved when doing retopology in Blender, is the way backface culling works: Only the faces are hidden, but edges and vertices on the other side of your mesh are still displayed. This can get quite confusing after a while. Luckily, there’s an add-on that solves this problem. It’s very easy to use: basically you just install it, and enable it. Then there are some values you can tweak to your personal preference. It’s called Draw X-ray and it has a free version that, in my opinion, is more then enough. But if you like it and use it a lot, please consider giving the author a few bucks on Gumroad. You can find it here: https://bartoszstyperek.gumroad.com/l/draw_xray 

Please note: In Blender 3.1.2 I did notice some crashes when using Grid Fill while this add-on was enabled. I can’t say for sure it was caused by the add-on, but I’ve never had crashes using Grid Fill before. So make sure you save a lot, or try it out first before using it for serious work.

Loopt Cut Secrets

Loopt Cut Secrets

Model a Cylinder with Holes

Model a Cylinder with Holes