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A place to level up your blender skills.

Retargeting any Rest Pose with the Rokoko and Cats add-ons

Retargeting any Rest Pose with the Rokoko and Cats add-ons

If you’re using the free Rokoko add-on for Blender to retarget some mocap animation for your own armature, your armature needs to be in a T-pose for it to work properly. But not all characters are created in a T-pose, so how do we change the armature’s “Rest Pose”?

Cat add-on: https://github.com/e63uozicmujivxmyshivi9ao/cats-blender-plugin
Rokoko Blender add-on: https://www.rokoko.com/integrations/3d-character-animation-in-blender

Get your Rokoko suit & Smart Gloves here: https://www.rokoko.com 
Rokoko subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rokoko/ 
Rokoko Community: https://help.rokoko.com/support/discussions

Shape Key Basics for Character Animations

Shape Key Basics for Character Animations

How to Export mocap from Rokoko and import the animation in Blender

How to Export mocap from Rokoko and import the animation in Blender