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LoopTools Curve and GStretch

LoopTools Curve and GStretch

The LoopTools Curve and GStretch options are useful tools in Blender for creating and manipulating curved surfaces.

The LoopTools Curve option

This is used to create a smooth curve by selecting a set of edges and generating a curve that passes through those edges. This is useful when creating curved objects or when you need to create a curved edge on a flat surface. To use the LoopTools Curve option, select the edges you want to use to create the curve, then go to the Edit menu and select LoopTools, and then choose Curve.

The GStretch option

The GStretch option, on the other hand, is used to stretch geometry along a curve. This tool can be useful when you need to create curved surfaces, such as a curved bridge or an arched doorway. To use the GStretch option, first create a curve and then select the geometry you want to stretch. Then, go to the Edit menu and select LoopTools, and then choose GStretch.


Overall, both of these tools are very useful for creating and manipulating curved surfaces in Blender, and they can save you a lot of time and effort when working with complex shapes and designs.

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LoopTools | Bridge, Loft and Circle | Blender Secrets

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