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LoopTools | Bridge, Loft and Circle | Blender Secrets

LoopTools | Bridge, Loft and Circle | Blender Secrets

Creating a 'Hole'-some Vase with LoopTools' Circle, Bridge, and Loft Functions in Blender. Using the LoopTools add-on that comes by default with Blender, using the options Bridge, Circle and Loft allows us to create some interesting shapes, like a vase with a hole in it.

The Blender Loop Tools add-on provides several useful functions for working with loops of vertices, edges, and faces in 3D modeling. The Bridge, Loft, and Circle functions can be particularly helpful for creating complex shapes and structures.

The Bridge function

Bridge allows you to connect two or more sets of loops with a surface or volume. It can be useful for creating arches, bridges, or tunnels. To use the Bridge function, select the two or more loops you want to connect and then choose Bridge from the Loop Tools menu. You can adjust the number of cuts and smoothness of the resulting surface or volume.


To use the Loft option, you first need to select the two or more loops you want to connect with a surface or volume. Then, choose the Loft option from the Loop Tools menu. In the operator panel, you can adjust various settings, such as the number of cuts and the smoothness of the resulting surface or volume.


The Circle function allows you to create a loop of vertices in the shape of a circle or other regular polygon. This can be useful for creating round or curved shapes, or for quickly adding loops to a mesh. To use the Circle function, select the edge loop or face loop where you want to add the circle, and then choose Circle from the Loop Tools menu. You can adjust the number of sides and other settings to control the resulting shape.

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