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Cloth Brush Quick Start

Cloth Brush Quick Start

The Cloth Brush is an amazing new feature available from a special build of Blender 2.83 Alpha. Download this build from graphicall.

Then unpack the file with 7-zip and double-click on Blender.exe to launch it.
Be careful using experimental versions of Blender for serious work, as it may crash.

To use it, add some subdivisions to your object and turn on Shade Smooth.
Go to the Sculpting layout, and turn off symmetry.

Select the None brush - there's no icon for this brush yet.
Now you can just drag and see the magic happen. You may need to lower the Cloth Mass value to something like 0.1.

You can experiment with the different settings like Deformation, Cloth Mass and Cloth Damping.
you can also mask an area with the Mask Brush and the cloth brush will consider that area pinned.

Thanks to Pablo Dobarro for making his amazing scultping brush available to everybody.

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